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Some of the best cycling territory in the South West.

West Devon is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and rolling countryside, it’s no surprise really that thousands of tourists flock to our neck of the woods every year to take it all in. Two standout trails, the Tarka Trail and the Granite Way, weave through some of the most rugged terrain that our corner of the world has to offer!

Tarka Trail Cycle Route - Instow North Devon, Photograph by Guy Richardson

Tarka Trail Cycle Route:

Named after the famous novel “Tarka the Otter” by Henry Williamson, the Tarka Trail spans approximately 180 miles, making it one of the longest continuous traffic-free walking and cycling paths in the UK. The route follows the route taken by Tarka the Otter in the novel, weaving its way through West Devon and North Devon. The trail passes through wooded valleys, follows fast flowing rivers, and gives a great glimpse of some spectacular coastline including Taw and Torridge estuaries.

The nearest point to pick up the Tarka Trail from Lower Longwood is at the nearby Meeth Quarry Nature Reserve

The Tarka Trail caters to cyclists of all abilities, offering expanses of level and paths, perfect for families and beginners. For the more adventurous cyclists, the 180 mile stretch throws in some more challenging terrain which passes through rural towns and villages, allowing cyclists to explore local shops, cafes, and historical landmarks.

Find Out More: Tarka Trail
Granite Way Cycle Trail - Meldon Viaduct, West Devon, Dartmoor National Park

Granite Way Cycle Route:

Starting from Okehampton Train Station, The Granite Way is the ideal route if you’re looking to cycle through Dartmoor National Park. A fairly easy, traffic-free, 11-mile stretch, crossing the picturesque Meldon Viaduct and finishing up in nearby Lyford. We recommend that you stop off for some delicious food and a cheeky ale at The Caste Inn in Lydford which is beautiful 16th century pub located right next door to Lydford Castle which is a 13th century fortification build as a prison which you can wonder around. 

If you want to go off piste, pack a bag for wild swimming and stop half way for a dip in the river pools at Meldon. 

This trail is great for anybody wanting a leisurely afternoon of cycling and taking in some amazing sights. 

Find Out More: The Granite Way Cycle Trail

Explore the stunning Granite Way and Tarka Trail cycle routes

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EX21 5LF

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